Family Board & Card Games + more!
We are in the business of bringing many smiles and laughs to our customers with our games, toys and educational materials. Our customers are very important to us, and we value the relationships that we built from crafting engaging board games and toys. Please take a look around our virtual store.
As a valued customer, we are happy you have chosen Talicor for your educational and social entertainment needs. Your business is truly valued! Please contact our office directly and speak to a team member about what product would be the perfect fit for your family or classroom. 1-800-433-GAME
Todd Jacobs | CEO Talicor-Aristoplay
Let’s face it, kids (and adults) don’t like the idea of sitting down to do something that looks like it belongs only in a classroom. Games and Toys that include S.T.E.M. themes are becoming more popular each year. These are games that not only engage the mind through Science or Math, but allow for an element of fun and strategy. We pride ourselves to not only have games with multiple levels of play which allow for various ages to play together, but also games that touch part of the S.T.E.M. topic. Some of our best selling S.T.E.M. products include: Blindside Strategy game, Somebody Human Anatomy Game, Moneywise, QuickPix and MathSmart. We have over 250 unique award winning titles in our line and many of them are S.T.E.M. related game. Please follow the link below to view more.
Toss it! Catch it! React to the concept under your thumb. Thumballs™ stimulates social communication and promotes skill development. Using a ball during play allows participants to engage in the activity while increasing skills of the topic portrayed on each ball.
“The Amazing Ungame® Story.. Approved by parents, teachers & counselors. The Ungame® improves relationships! Recommended by Dr. James Dobson of “Focus on the Family”.
Educational Games for the Classroom or family room!
Engage young minds with Educational Toys!
Talicor has been crafting Educational games for over 45 years. In that time we have created hundreds of unique multi-level board games, card games and toys that kids and parents love. From Geography and Math to Spelling and Creative Thinking, we cover a wide variety of popular Educational Topics.
Bible & faith based games and toys
From Bible Versions of popular games like Apples to Apples and Outburst to well crafted Faith Based toys sets of the Nativity Scene or Noah’s Ark, Talicor is your go to source for Bible and Faith based games and toys. We offer many different products that children cherish for years. Our Inspirational line of products have been a part of Talicor since the beginning and we are often adding new ones so please check back often to see what is available.

Our Commitment to Family gaming
First and Foremost, Talicor/Aristoplay is a board and card game publishing company. We strive to not only create new and exciting games for people of all ages, but promote the idea that face to face game interaction is important. We are honored you have taken the time to view our website and learn more about us. We know there are many choices for people when it comes to what they buy and we promise to always stand behind our products.
We measure our success not from nominations or awards but the positive influence our games have on people and their personal satisfaction. May we contribute as much to your success as you to to ours.
Please feel free to contact our offices directly to speak to a team member about what game would be the best fit for you, 1-800-433-GAME