Todd Jacobs

Todd Jacobs


Todd has been with Talicor since 2010, starting first as the Vice President of sales and then transitioning into the President role in 2011. When not selling and helping create games Todd enjoys time with his wife and three children

Sarah Hoffman

Sarah Hoffman


Sarah has been with Talicor for 7 years. From AP to AR to customer service and everything in between...Sarah is a RockStar!

Amber Rupe

Amber Rupe

Account Manager, Problem Solver and Office Glue

Amber was here before anyone else so we don’t really know when she started. From answering the phones, helping customers and retailers with questions on orders and setting up trade shows...she basically has her hands in all things Talicor.

Everyone Else

Everyone Else

Accounting, Warehouse, Support

We couldn’t do what we do without our expert team members. Talicor operates our offices within our 80,000 Square Feet Warehouse located in Plainwell, MI. Our team wears a lot of hats around here, but we are pleased to have dedicated support, warehouse and accounting team members working hard each day.